Identity Management
The Identity Management application provides an user interface for administrators to work on the underlying User Management Engine (UME) of AS Java. The identity management can be launched in any of the following three ways. The look and feel and the underlying features remain the same irrespective of which ever path we use. Unless Single Sign On is being used each of the options below would require the administrator to use the screen below to login.

- Identity Management can be launched as a standalone application by launching the following url on any of the major web browser (I have used used IE, Firefox and Chrome) – “http://<AS_Java_Server>:<AS_Java_HTTP_Port>/useradmin“. The person logging in will need adminstrator priviledges for AS Java and after logging in will be welcomed by the following screen.

- As a component of the Netweaver Administrator (NWA) application in AS Java. NWA is launched by following the following URL, http://<AS_Java_Server>:<AS_Java_HTTP_Port>/nwa . Identity Management is available under System Management> Administration as shown below.

- The Identity Management application can also be deployed on the enterprise portal. The administrator would need the user admin or super admin portal roles to gain access. SAP Portal is launched by following the URL “http://<AS_Java_Server>:<AS_Java_HTTP_Port>/irj/portal“. Identity Management will be one of the tabs at the very top. I am not currently using Portal and don’t have a screenshot for it, but the look and feel of the application remains essentially same.
In the next few articles we discuss the different features of the Identity Management application.
Hi Aninda,
You have written a very good article on Identity Management. One question that I need to ask is(MAY BE A VERY STUPID QUES). Do the work we don enterprise portal or more specifically on Java end in SAP is called Identity Management. for eg. creating users on EP, using UME, Visual Manager, SSO, and other configurations..Are these the part of IDM or does it cover something else?
I will appreciate if you can email your answer as well,, I am not sure if I will get any notification when u reply.
Hi Kapil,
You are referring to the SAP IDM solution which is completely different from what is covered in the blog. SAP IDM is SAP’s latest tool to manage identities (which included user provisioning) across diverse enterprise systems. SAP IDM is similar in function to CUA but with far more functions built in.
I am planning to take the SAP Security certification exam. One of the topics is Identity Management (SAP course name ADM 920). I live in the US and SAP has not scheduled any course for ADM 920 as of yet. The old course name was TZNWIM which has been discontinued by SAP. Do you have any materail that I can read (besides what you have on your site) so that I can have a good understanding of identity management? Any help will be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.