
November News

After a long time, I am finally getting around to updating the blog. Plan to start on a set of posts on CRM Security. Also created a facebook page for the blog. Hopefully this will help visitors keep track of updates on the site.

5 thoughts on “November News

  • Gaurav Shrivastava

    Hey Aninda, welcome back.
    Really i was missing your posts and updates.
    i am a regular visitor of this blog and wud say this i have really learned a lot from your blog. Desperately waiting for your new posts on CRM.
    Keep posting.

    Gaurav S

  • Gaurav Shrivastava

    One more thing mate.
    If possible please post some GRC related topics.
    I can see a lot of consultants still need to upgrade them with GRC depths.
    It would be great if you could help us with that too.


  • Gaurav Shrivastava

    Hi Aninda,

    Thanks for your amazing posts on CRM security.
    I would suggets you to put some posts on CUA too.
    I understand it would take time as one needs to enjoy the weekend after a 5 day hectic schedule. But i am sure you would be continuing updating the blog with different topics.

    Gaurav S

    • Aninda

      Hi Gaurav,

      Thanks for following the blog. I certainly plan to update the blog with more posts as and when time permits. However, whenever I plan new posts I try to explore topics for which we don’t have freely available resources on the web. There are already many resources on CUA on the web complete with SAP screenshots (just try google) so posts on CUA are not planned in the immediate future.


  • Ritesh

    Hello Aninda,

    First of all, Thank you for sharing your knowledge with everyone, Very few people do so.

    I have only one request, if possible please help us with GRC. I know in one of the posts you said that you don’t have screenshots to share, but please try to get if possible. It’s very difficult to learn GRC as you won’t find blogs or posts on GRC.

    Thanks again.


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