Data Browser
The Data Browser (transaction SE16) allows us to display (or maintain) transparent tables from the ABAP Data Dictionary. Its an invaluable tool for reporting as data from tables can be directly accessed without searching for reports which return this data.
In the example below, we use the table browser to display data from the “AGR_USERS” table which stores role to user assignment information.

The selection screen of the table, allows us to search on the basis of user id, role or/and validity dates. The selection options are basically controlled by the Settings menu.

The list output displays data filtered on the basis of entered selection criteria.

In many productive clients, SE16 is restricted from users as, if not restricted at the table level, it can give access to a lot of sensitive data. I personally believe in a compromise where certain technical users do have access to the t-code but restricted to display of the tables which is needed for their reporting needs.
Hello Aninda,
Great post. your efforts are appreciated.
Been into this site today only. wish i could have seen that earlier.
Rakesh Ram
Hi Aninda,
Instead of using SE16 in production system we use SE16N and also we assign it to users requesting access to tables. Can you please make me understand the technical difference between SE16 and SE16N other than that one is used for Change/Maintain a table and latter for display only ?
Gaurav S
SE16N is the newer version of SE16 and comes with more options. For example, I believe you are limited to 40 selection fields in SE16, while there is no such limitations for SE16N. The biggest difference (specially on systems without the latest service packs) is the use of &SAP_EDIT option in SE16N. This option can actually allow a user directly to maintain a table in SE16N without going through maintenance views. Since this feature can and often is misused, SAP has come up with corrections to disable this in the latest service packs.
Thanks Aninda
Hi There
I’m new to CRM and I’m looking for tables with customer demographic information and what is the difference between Tcode SE17 and SE16? and which will give me information with regards to demographics?
Kind Regards
Make Google your friend! Unfortunately I don’t have any info around this.