Business ObjectsBW and BOBJCentral Management Console

Central Management Console

Central Management Console or CMC is the central cockpit where the security consultant will spend most of his time. The CMC can be accessed via the url “http://<server>:<port>/BOE/CMC “.  A screenprint of the basic login screen is given below

CMC Login Screen
CMC Login Screen


As you can see in the screenshot, CMC has a dropdown for authentication with entries for Enterprise, SAP, LDAP. We will be going through some of these later on but at a very basic level these options allow a user to chose the means via which the initial authentical for CMC will work.  Configuring security will need administrator access and will be logging in through an Enterprise user.


On logging into the CMC, we are welcomed with the screen below. BOBJ uses an object oriented architecture and the different components in the CMC can be accessed via either selecting their icons from the welcome screen or from the drop down list. The number of icons or drop down entries will be determined by your security in CMC but an administrator would be able to see all of the items below.

CMC Navigation
CMC Navigation

In the next few posts we discuss individual components within CMC which help us to set up security.

2 thoughts on “Central Management Console

  • P sahoo

    Hi Anindya,
    I cannot find any entry, in CMC home, although i have SAP_ALL. i,e under Organize, there are no entries, i.e Folders, Users and groups, etc.

    How do i get these entries


    • Aninda

      SAP_ALL will not give you any rights in BOBJ. What you see in CMC is controlled by the rights assigned to your user in BOBJ.


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