Organizational Management
This article about organizational management is meant to be a launchpad to our discussion on structural authorizations– an unique and
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SAP Human Capital Management
This article about organizational management is meant to be a launchpad to our discussion on structural authorizations– an unique and
Read MoreThe authorization checks for PA master data (through P_ORGIN, P_ORGXX, P_PERNR, etc) while running HR reports are very involved and
Read MorePersonnel Development (PD) Data is part of the Personnel Planning (PP) Data model used in SAP HCM. The PP Data
Read MoreWe have already come across PA (Personnel Admin) master data in our initial discussion of different types of the HR
Read MoreA discussion of SAP security for a particular application area, like HR, FICO, SD, MM generally starts with an outline
Read MoreIn our article on SU24, we saw the feasibility of selectively switching off checks for certain authorization objects. However, HR
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